Greetings from Canada

by The Rev. Chad McCabe on August 03, 2023

Greetings from Canada Beloved Trinitarians!

I hope all is well with you and you are enjoying these last few weeks of Summer fun. While I have been away completing my annual training requirements with the National Guard, I have throughly enjoyed reading the wonderful reports of our ministries and how Trinity witnesses through “Love in Action”, keep it up Trinity!

Also, may we continue to keep up prayers for all those whose lives have been touched by our own beloved Mary Fessey Hackney. That as she has transitioned from this earthly life to the glory of our awesome God, let us follow her living example of a life of faith.

I want to especially thank Bethany and all ministry leaders who faithfully lead us in our mission and ministry while I am away. Truly we are blessed as a Parish to have such gifted and wonderful leaders.

Thank you for your support and prayers of our ministry to our soldiers. In my role as Chaplain I am afforded the honor and privilege to support our soldiers and offer support, encouragement, and ministry in a unique setting that few people outside of the service see. Your support of me and this ministry means so much to our soldiers especially while they are away from loved ones, thank you.

Lastly, thank you for your prayers for the McCabe family especially for Karen and Ethan, until my return. I look forward to coming back to you all next week and continuing our journey together as we provide a beacon of hope to Clarksville and beyond.

Your Servant in Christ,


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